Feel like being harassed



One of the problems I come across when talking to people online is that I rarely allow them to add me on instant messaging services, I’m sure we’ve all been there before when you have about 5 chat windows open, some of which are pure drivel and stuff you can’t stand, second to that is the fact that you add people for the sake of adding and never talk to them. Luckily a few years ago I knew I had to make some changes to that and basically started filtering out friends to my list of contacts is just a modest 18. Life is more productive after that and I’m spending more time working than bantering.

One thing I remember I hated so much about IM was the need to say hello for the sake of saying hello, below illustrates this quite a bit:

a:How are you?
b:i’m fine thank you, how are you?
a:I’m good

The above usually repeats everyday, you eventually ignore them ;)

After the successful send me an email project (keep sending btw), I was able to get a taste of talking to different people about this and that. It was pretty interesting, quite a few people were from america so I got a lot of lovely early morning emails, most of them were musers (need to widen this). So I thought I’d extend this a little bit further and break the unbroken rule. Introducing instant messaging into my site. Notice that little widget at the bottom right of my screen (if you’re checking this via my feed, go on the site to see). That allows users to contact me directly via im (if i’m available that is). You’ll be a random guest in my contact list and you can pretty much hurl all sorts of abuse at me if you felt like it (don’t!). Lets hope this experiment is fun as I thought it would be. So yeah, feel free to talk to me if i’m online.

If you’re wondering what digsby is, it’s a multi chat protocol instant messaging service type thing, not only does it do the bog standard msn, aim, etc, it also does facebook, myspace, emails, gmails, hotmails, yahoo mails, twitter and a load of other stuff. It’s quite a fancy tool, I’m only starting to try out this bad boy chat widget for talking to kind strangers like you :)

Oh I’m starting to upload photos on flickr again, so go check that out

tell me how you feel