More site changes: cooler sidebar site redesign

Slightly trippy seeing a screenshot of the site you're seeing (if that even makes sense)

Last night I spent the evening coding like no tomorrow till 4am (hence no tomorrow). I’ve revamped my sidebar menu to allow a sample shot section, a better introduction to my blog and a fancy flickr bar showing the latest 15 photos I’ve taken on the side, this was part of my site fattening procedure where I screwed all 800×600 users and move to the 960px territory.

The site will be more flickr integrated than ever (don’t know what i’d do without it!). Of course the quality of posts will improve with time as well as more features here and there being implemented, so yeah, if you’re a previous visitor, hope you like, if you’re new, hope you like! Please leave comments on your thoughts and opinions on the site redesign, since the code hasn’t settled in just yet so I can still do additional tweaks to it.

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