Cow: 28 days later

Cow: 28 days later

Today for lunch we went to have lunch in the Gherkin (big phallic shaped butt plug type building you occasionally see during those cheesy pan shots of london on the Apprentice (UK)). I told the lady "can I have a 28 days rib eye MEAT!" instead of steak. Oh how childish am I teehee.

The steak was all kinds of awesome and it was pretty decent quality and money wise for a pub restaurant type place inside the Gherkin. Lets see what people shop for tomorrow (steak, you know you want to)

An update on photos and what not, I’m going to leave photo uploading and blogging for the weekend. Just been so busy that my sleep is declining, I really need some quality sleep (and luckily I have holidays so I’m going to play catchup).

I’ve caught a man flu too :( Lots of coughing, sneezing, and stuffy eyes and nose. Should pull through though! :D

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